Data pro­tec­tion


Provider and respon­si­ble body accor­ding to the Data Protection Law
Denkmal Deluxe Marketing GmbH & Co. KG
Kaiserdamm 30
14057 Berlin

T +49 40 532 99 487
F +49 40 532 99 100
With this data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­on, users recei­ve infor­ma­ti­on about the type, scope and pur­po­se of the coll­ec­tion and use of their data by the respon­si­ble pro­vi­der. The legal frame­work for data pro­tec­tion is pro­vi­ded by the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG).

Recording of General Information

Each time you access this offer, we or the web space pro­vi­der auto­ma­ti­cal­ly coll­ect infor­ma­ti­on. This infor­ma­ti­on, which is also refer­red to as ser­ver log files, is gene­ral in natu­re and can­not be tra­ced back to you personally.

Various types of infor­ma­ti­on are coll­ec­ted inclu­ding: name of the web­site, data file, date, volu­me of data, web brow­ser and ver­si­on of web brow­ser, ope­ra­ting sys­tem, the domain name of your inter­net ser­vice pro­vi­der, the refer­rer URL (the site from which you have acces­sed our web­site) and the IP address.

From a tech­ni­cal per­spec­ti­ve, it would not be pos­si­ble in some ins­tances to deli­ver and dis­play the con­tent of the web­site. In this respect, it is abso­lut­e­ly essen­ti­al that data is coll­ec­ted. We also use anony­mous infor­ma­ti­on for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­po­ses. This helps us to opti­mi­se our online offe­ring and various tech­ni­cal aspects. We also reser­ve the right to sub­se­quent­ly moni­tor log files if we suspect that our web­site is being used unlawfully.

Handling of per­so­nal data

Definition: The term per­so­nal data encom­pas­ses all infor­ma­ti­on that uni­que­ly iden­ti­fies a per­son. This refers to data that can be tra­ced back to an indi­vi­du­al per­son and includes

infor­ma­ti­on such as first name, sur­na­me, tele­pho­ne num­ber and email address. Personal data also includes infor­ma­ti­on on hob­bies, mem­ber­ships and pre­fe­ren­ces, as well as web­sites that have been accessed.

This data is only coll­ec­ted, used and, if neces­sa­ry, pas­sed on by the pro­vi­der, if the legis­la­tor express­ly allows it or if the user cons­ents to the coll­ec­tion, pro­ces­sing, use and dis­clo­sure of the data.


When sub­scrib­ing to our news­let­ter, we use the data pro­vi­ded by you exclu­si­ve­ly for this pur­po­se or to inform you about the cir­cum­s­tances rele­vant to this ser­vice or regis­tra­ti­on. We will not dis­c­lo­se your details to third parties.

A valid email address is requi­red in order to recei­ve the news­let­ter. The IP address via which you sub­scri­be to the news­let­ter and the date on which you request the news­let­ter is also stored. This data ser­ves as pro­of of misu­se if a third-par­ty email address is used for the news­let­ter. To ensu­re that an email address is not misu­s­ed and ente­red into our mai­ling list by third par­ties, we employ the sta­tu­to­ry “dou­ble opt-in” method. This pro­cess logs the request to recei­ve the news­let­ter, deli­very of the con­fir­ma­ti­on email and receipt of the sub­scrip­ti­on confirmation.

You may revo­ke your con­sent to the sto­rage of your data, email address and its use for news­let­ter mai­lings at any time. An link to unsub­scri­be is pro­vi­ded in each news­let­ter and on our web­site. You can also noti­fy us of your wish to revo­ke your con­sent via the cont­act methods men­tio­ned in this document.

Contact form
If you cont­act us via the online form or by email, we will save the infor­ma­ti­on you have pro­vi­ded so that we can ans­wer your request and ask pos­si­ble fol­low-up questions.
Integration of third-par­ty ser­vices and content

Our offer some­ti­mes includes con­tent, ser­vices and pro­vi­si­ons from other pro­vi­ders. These are, for exam­p­le, maps pro­vi­ded by Google Maps, vide­os from YouTube and gra­phics and images from other pro­vi­ders. The trans­fer of the IP address is requi­red to retrie­ve and dis­play this infor­ma­ti­on in the user brow­ser. The pro­vi­der (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as “third-par­ty pro­vi­der”) can the­r­e­fo­re obtain the cor­re­spon­ding user IP address.

Even though we are forced to use third-par­ty pro­vi­ders who only requi­re IP addres­ses in order to deli­ver con­tent, we have no influence on whe­ther this IP address is stored. This ser­ves for sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­sis among other reasons. We noti­fy our users if we beco­me awa­re that the IP address is stored.


This web­site uses so-cal­led coo­kies. Cookies are text files which are stored on your com­pu­ter by the ser­ver. They include infor­ma­ti­on rela­ting to the brow­ser, the IP address, the ope­ra­ting sys­tem and the inter­net con­nec­tion. We will not pass this data on to third par­ties or link it to per­so­nal data wit­hout your consent.

Cookies pri­ma­ri­ly per­form two tasks. They help us to make navi­ga­ting our web­site easier for you and they ensu­re that the web­site is dis­play­ed cor­rect­ly. They are not used to infect your sys­tem with viru­s­es or to start programmes.

Users can also access our web­site wit­hout coo­kies. You must first­ly chan­ge the set­tings in your brow­ser. Please refer to your browser’s help func­tion to find out how to disable coo­kies. Please note that cer­tain are­as of the web­site may not func­tion pro­per­ly and the site may not be as con­ve­ni­ent to use if you disable cookies.

Data Economy
In accordance with the prin­ci­ples of data avo­id­ance and data eco­no­my, we only store per­so­nal data for as long as is neces­sa­ry or as pre­scri­bed by law (sta­tu­to­ry sto­rage peri­od). We block or dele­te the data if the data is no lon­ger requi­red for the pur­po­se it was ori­gi­nal­ly coll­ec­ted or if the reten­ti­on peri­od has come to an end.
Your Right to Information, Correction, Blocking, Deletion and Objection

You have the right to obtain on request and free of char­ge any infor­ma­ti­on on the per­so­nal data we have saved about you and/or to have this data cor­rec­ted, blo­cked or dele­ted. Exceptions: the data needs to be stored for legal reasons rela­ted to the per­for­mance of busi­ness pro­ces­ses or if this is neces­sa­ry in order to satis­fy the legal reten­ti­on requirement.

For the­se pur­po­ses, plea­se cont­act our data pro­tec­tion offi­cer (cont­act details: at the end of the data pro­tec­tion declaration).

In order to be able to obser­ve the request to have data blo­cked at any given time, it is neces­sa­ry to hold the data in a lock file for moni­to­ring pur­po­ses. You can also request that your data is dele­ted, unless a sta­tu­to­ry archi­ving obli­ga­ti­on exists. Otherwise, we will block the data if you so wish.

Changes to the Privacy Policy
In order to ensu­re that our pri­va­cy poli­cy always com­pli­es with the latest legal requi­re­ments, we reser­ve the right to chan­ge the poli­cy at any time. This also appli­es in the case that the pri­va­cy poli­cy needs to be chan­ged if we start to offer new ser­vices or amend our exis­ting ser­vices, e.g. new ser­vice fea­tures. The next time you visit our web­site, the new data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­on will apply.


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Seit 1986 sind die Gesellschafter der Ende 2018 gegrün­de­ten Denkmal Deluxe Marketing GmbH & Co. KG deutsch­land­weit als Experten in der Vermarktung his­to­ri­scher, exklu­si­ver, hoch­wer­ti­ger und ein­zig­ar­ti­ger Denkmal- und Bestandsimmobilien tätig. Mehr als 35 Jahre Erfahrung und über 6000 erfolg­reich ver­mark­te­te Wohnimmobilien mit einem Gesamtvolumen von über einer Milliarde Euro spre­chen für sich. 
Mehr als
Jahre Erfahrung
Mehr als
ver­kauf­te Quadratmeter
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ver­kauf­te Objekte
Mehr als
Mehr als
Mehr als

Vermarktung & Vertrieb

Unser Geschäftsfeld umfasst die Begleitung und Beratung von Bauträgern hin­sicht­lich Entwicklung, Planung, Realisierung und Vertrieb von Denkmal- und lukra­ti­ven Bestandsimmobilien. Weiterhin betreu­en wir eini­ge hun­dert Kooperationspartner. 


Eine Auswahl unse­rer erfolg­reich ver­mit­tel­ten Projekte
Aktuell im Vertrieb

Gutshof Living

7 auf­wen­dig sanier­te Häuser mit 80 moder­nen Wohnungen auf dem Areal eines geschichtsträchtigen Gutshofs in Jena.

Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden

Mit unse­rem Newsletter ver­pas­sen Sie kei­ne unse­rer Neuigkeiten mehr.

Denkmal Deluxe Marketing GmbH & Co. KG

Kaiserdamm 30
14057 Berlin

T +49 40 532 99 487
F +49 40 532 99 100

Google Maps

By loa­ding the map, you agree to Google’s pri­va­cy poli­cy.
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