18 apart­ments in Chemnitz


18 apart­ments with a shared gar­den facing south-west have ope­ned. They all have a sun­ny expo­si­ti­on with gar­den views and a ter­race, new bal­co­nies and roof ter­races. One mai­so­nette apart­ment is situa­ted abo­ve the ent­rance area and has a per­fect break­fast ter­race facing east. The new bal­co­nies have balus­tra­de banis­ters with satin safe­ty glass and are slen­der and transparent.





7,0 M




The repre­sen­ta­ti­ve cha­rac­ter of art nou­veau archi­tec­tu­re can also be sen­sed in an unres­to­red con­di­ti­on. Wood panell­ing with designs, solid oak flo­or-to-cei­ling dou­ble doors and expres­sio­nist stuc­co cei­lings give the rooms a uni­que cha­rac­ter. As with the woo­den stairs, all art nou­veau ele­ments shi­ne in new sple­ndour. After the reno­va­ti­on, the incom­pa­ra­ble art nou­veau living envi­ron­ment ele­gant­ly blends in with the fea­tures of modern, ener­gy-effi­ci­ent living comfort.

The repre­sen­ta­ti­ve cha­rac­ter of art nou­veau archi­tec­tu­re can also be sen­sed in an unres­to­red con­di­ti­on. Wood panell­ing with designs, solid oak flo­or-to-cei­ling dou­ble doors and expres­sio­nist stuc­co cei­lings give the rooms a uni­que cha­rac­ter. As with the woo­den stairs, all art nou­veau ele­ments shi­ne in new sple­ndour. After the reno­va­ti­on, the incom­pa­ra­ble art nou­veau living envi­ron­ment ele­gant­ly blends in with the fea­tures of modern, ener­gy-effi­ci­ent living comfort.

The pre­ser­va­ti­on order is also imple­men­ted when desig­ning the rooms. A cur­ved stair­ca­se with woo­den sta­ir rai­lings leads from the spa­cious foy­er with its pil­lars and stuc­co cei­ling to the upper flo­ors. The foy­er on all flo­ors has stuc­co cei­lings in an expres­sio­nist style. Stucco cei­lings with expres­sio­nist designs can also be found in many of the rooms. The woo­den panell­ing in the foy­ers and a num­ber of repre­sen­ta­ti­ve rooms along with ori­gi­nal, built-in fur­ni­tu­re and his­to­ri­cal, panel­led inte­ri­or doors are recon­di­tio­ned to their ori­gi­nal sta­te and retro­fit­ted whe­re requi­red. By insu­la­ting the roof, walls and flo­ors, the ener­gy sup­p­ly and high-qua­li­ty fur­nis­hings ensu­re living com­fort at the hig­hest level. The lis­ted buil­ding ensu­res con­tem­po­ra­ry ener­gy-saving as a result.

The repre­sen­ta­ti­ve ent­rance area spa­cious­ly opens out onto the Gaußstraße road. In the fore­court, two par­king spaces are pro­vi­ded for drop­ping off and for loa­ding and unloa­ding. The old sand­stone wall with fence ele­ments and an ent­rance gate is revi­sed and com­pri­ses the front gar­den area with old rho­do­den­dron plants. The spa­cious access road on ori­gi­nal gra­ni­te paving with gra­ni­te bor­ders leads to the gara­ge and car­port area behind the pro­per­ty. This area is slight­ly lower, is con­nec­ted to the pro­per­ty and has bank pro­tec­tion and ple­nty of roof gree­n­ery to natu­ral­ly blend in when view­ed from the ter­races and bal­co­nies. More plants have been added to the site in a park-like fashion, the slo­pe towards Kappelbach has been renovated.

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