21 apart­ments in Chemnitz

Straße der Nationen 58

The “Straße der Nationen 58” ensem­ble of “CONTOR” and “FABRIK” is direct­ly situa­ted bet­ween the Theaterplatz and Schillerplatz in the heart of Chemnitz. The Old Town with its New Market and famous Chemnitz dou­ble town hall is just a few minu­tes away. The Technical University and new libra­ry buil­ding, ope­ra house, Petri Church and the Chemnitz art muse­um are in clo­se pro­xi­mi­ty. The city cent­re hotels, cafés and shops can be rea­ched on foot. The main train and bus sta­ti­on is just a few minu­tes’ walk. It’s a short walk to the idyl­lic Schlossteich lake, which is worth a visit in both sum­mer and winter.





8,0 M




The front buil­ding was con­s­truc­ted bet­ween 1905 and 1910. It ser­ved as an office and tra­ding buil­ding in the 1940s. It was later reno­va­ted to beco­me a resi­den­ti­al and com­mer­cial buil­ding and was in use until the 2010s. The art nou­veau design ele­ments, stuc­co adorn­ments and almost ori­gi­nal­ly pre­ser­ved stair­way give the pro­per­ty a uni­que, sta­te­ly touch. The acces­si­ble rou­te to the stair­way and new­ly inte­gra­ted lift allows resi­dents and visi­tors to easi­ly access the upper flo­ors. The rooms, mea­su­ring more than 3 met­res in height, are amply lit with high win­dows. Double doors and lar­ge sli­ding ele­ments pro­vi­de a grand ambi­ence. All apart­ments have a spa­cious living area with kit­chen and dining area. The bed­room fea­tures a dres­sing room and second bath­room. The mas­ter bath­room has a dou­ble sink, show­er and bath­tub as well as a TV con­nec­tion. Additional rooms offer space for child­ren, guests or a home office. Each apart­ment has a ter­race or bal­c­o­ny and a sto­rage room. The flo­o­ring, plum­bing and elec­tri­cal equip­ment is of high qua­li­ty (see pro­per­ty descrip­ti­on). The exis­ting flo­o­ring is worth pre­ser­ving in some rooms. Decisions are made whe­ther to keep them based on wood pre­ser­va­ti­on examinations.

The annex buil­ding was con­s­truc­ted in the 1890s as a glove fac­to­ry. Various busi­nesses ope­ra­ted here until the 1950s. It was then also con­ver­ted into apart­ments after this time. The buil­ding has stood emp­ty for around 20 years and gut­ted for its reno­va­ti­on. The rich­ly arti­cu­la­ted faca­des made of red clin­ker brick and por­phy­ry base pay homage to its indus­tri­al ori­g­ins and has been careful­ly res­to­red. The three wheel­chair-acces­si­ble apart­ments on the ground flo­or fea­ture ter­races and access to the buil­ding faca­de. The apart­ments on the upper flo­ors have spa­cious, south-facing steel bal­co­nies. The ope­nings for the bal­c­o­ny doors are pro­du­ced in the exis­ting buil­ding faca­de here.

The ter­races are inte­gra­ted into the flo­or plan in the loft apart­ments. These apart­ments recei­ve ple­nty of light from a strip of win­dows abo­ve the eave. The stair­ca­se has a new ent­rance door and the flight of stairs to the first flo­or will be reno­va­ted. This pro­vi­des the space requi­red for the lift that allows access to all flo­ors. The his­to­ri­cal stair­ca­se with its fine­ly for­ged rai­lings will be careful­ly res­to­red. In the upper flo­ors, the fac­to­ry cha­rac­ter will be pre­ser­ved in each of the two spa­cious apart­ments. The his­to­ri­cal steel pil­lars in the cen­tral axis will be a real eye-cat­ching fea­ture here. Modern lay­outs in the rooms mea­su­ring over 3 met­res in height, with lar­ge win­dows and doors, pro­vi­de excel­lent light­ing. All apart­ments have a spa­cious living area with kit­chen and dining area, two bath­rooms, uti­li­ty or sto­rage room, and a bal­c­o­ny or ter­race. The bed­rooms have a mas­ter bath­room with dres­sing room. Additional rooms for child­ren, guests or an office round off the apart­ment. Two modern apart­ments with two or three-bed­room ver­si­ons are in the loft, with a lar­ge inner ter­race and bed­room with mas­ter bath­room and dres­sing room. Here, the resi­den­ti­al requi­re­ments com­bi­ne the his­to­ri­cal buil­ding with modern flo­or plans. All apart­ments have high-qua­li­ty flo­o­ring and sel­ec­ted plum­bing and elec­tri­cal equip­ment (see buil­ding descrip­ti­on). Plenty of space for par­king bikes is available for resi­dents in both buil­dings. Each unit has an addi­tio­nal sto­rage room sepa­ra­te to the apartment.

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